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in English by (38.2k points)
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Read the following text.

(1) Zebras are known for their distinctive black and white stripes. The intriguing enigma of these stripes lies in their function and nature. Specifically, two scientific studies have sought to understand the purpose and underlying mechanisms of zebras' unique stripes.

(2) Study 1- The Case of Alison & Stephen Cobb's Study: 

(Published in The Journal of Natural History, Volume 53, Issue 13-14) 

i) Researcher couple, Alison and Stephen Cobb, conducted an experiment that explored the idea of zebras' stripes helping to keep them cool and shared that thermoregulation was the primary function of zebra stripes. 

ii) They measured the temperatures of black and white stripes on two zebras, throughout separate sunny days in Kenya. There was a 12–15oC difference between zebras’ stripe temperatures throughout the middle seven daytime hours. 

iii) They shared that the movement of sweat away from the skin is accelerated by the surfactant equid protein -latherin - a vital component of cooling in racehorses. 

iv) They noted that latherin decreases the surface tension of the sweat, facilitating evaporative cooling at the hair tips. 

v) Their theory was that the abrupt temperature difference between the stripes causes chaotic air movement above the hair surface, thus enhancing evaporative heat dissipation

(3) Study -2 The Case of Prof. Tim Caro's Experiment: 

(Published in The Journal of Experimental Biology, Volume 226, Issue 4) 

i) Prof. Caro and four other researchers investigated what deters horseflies from landing on zebras. 

ii) Their experiment involved close-up observations of fly behaviour around zebras. They also observed the flies' interactions with domestic horses, some of which were dressed in striped jackets, and others left without. 

iii) The results of the study showed that flies approached all three groups—the zebras, the horses with striped jackets, and the plain horses—similarly. However, they behaved differently around the zebras and the horses with striped jackets. Flies approaching these animals merely bounced off, whereas they could land on plain horses. 

iv) The researchers concluded that the sharply outlined and thin stripes are the deterrent to horseflies as it is the occurrence of only large monochrome dark patches that are highly attractive to horseflies at close distances.

Answer the following questions, based on given passage.

(i) What might be the MOST likely purpose of the author’s use of "intriguing enigma”, while referring to the zebra stripes?

(ii) Supply the response to the following, in a phrase, from (2) of the text given above.
According to the Cobb's study, what is the relation between zebras' stripes and thermoregulation?

(iii) Complete the sentence with an appropriate inference. The choice of "middle...daytime hours" is likely driven by the need to study zebras under the condition of _______________.

(iv) Select the option that DOES NOT display the nature of these experiments correctly. 

A. Collaborative
B. Observational
C. Analytical
D. Fictional

(v) In the absence of latherin, a surfactant protein, what is the likely consequence for an equid, such as a zebra or horse? 

A. Improved thermoregulation in hot conditions.
B. Enhanced evaporative cooling.
C. Impaired sweating
D. Increased resistance to heat stress.

(vi) The text makes a mention of the studies being published. What implication does this hold for the readers? (Answer in 30-40 words)

(vii) Which of the following can we cite as an example, to explain the meaning of “deterrent", as used in the line - The researchers concluded that the sharply outlined and thin stripes are the deterrent to horseflies ...? 

A. Installing security cameras on a property will act as a deterrent for burglars. 

B. Planting flowers in a garden will become a deterrent for pollinators like bees. 

C. Painting a room in bright, for a welcoming atmosphere will be a perfect deterrent. 

D. Hanging wind chimes on a porch is a common deterrent for the area’s visual appeal.

(viii) In terms of the purpose of the zebra stripes, examine, in 30-40 words, how the findings in the Cobb's study and Prof. Caro's experiment align or differ?

1 Answer

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by (39.6k points)
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Best answer

i) To highlight that there is something fascinating and puzzling about these stripes that warrants further exploration and study.

ii) primary function

iii) peak heat / direct sunlight

iv) D

v) C

vi) The mention of the studies being published implies that they have undergone some level of review and scrutiny, making it reasonable to infer that the information they provide may be reliable and credible.

vii) A

viii) Both studies support the idea that zebras' stripes have a specific purpose. The Cobb's study suggests that the primary function is thermoregulation, while Prof. Caro's experiment indicates that stripes deter horseflies, which can also be linked to reducing heat stress.

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