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in Chemical bonding and molecular structure by (95 points)
Why CO exhibits resonance while N2 does not???

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1 Answer

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by (36.2k points)

The concept of resonance is related to the ability of a molecule to have multiple equivalent Lewis structures that contribute to its overall structure. Both carbon monoxide (CO) and nitrogen gas (N₂) can form resonance structures, but the extent to which resonance contributes to the overall structure is different due to the nature of the atoms involved.

Carbon Monoxide (CO):
- In the case of carbon monoxide (CO), it has a triple bond between the carbon and oxygen atoms. The π (pi) electrons in the triple bond can be delocalized, leading to the formation of resonance structures.
- The resonance structures of CO involve the movement of π electrons between the carbon and oxygen atoms, resulting in multiple resonance contributors.
- The resonance hybrid, which is the actual structure of the molecule, is a blend of these resonance structures.

Nitrogen Gas (N₂):
- Nitrogen gas (N₂) has a triple bond between the two nitrogen atoms. While it is theoretically possible to draw resonance structures for N₂, the extent of resonance is much less significant compared to CO.
- The reason for this is that nitrogen atoms are of the same element and have similar electronegativities. As a result, the distribution of electrons between the nitrogen atoms in N₂ is already fairly even, and the resonance effect is not as pronounced.

In summary, while both CO and N₂ can exhibit resonance to some extent, carbon monoxide (CO) shows a more significant resonance effect due to the difference in electronegativity between carbon and oxygen, allowing for more distinct resonance structures and a greater contribution to the overall structure of the molecule.

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