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in Political Science by (855 points)
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Thomas Acquinas was the Aristotle and representative political thinker of his epoch." Explain.

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Thomas Aquinas was a medieval philosopher and theologian, not a representative political thinker of his time. However, it is accurate to say that Thomas Aquinas was deeply influenced by the works of Aristotle, and he integrated Aristotelian philosophy into his theological and philosophical framework. Here's a more detailed explanation:

  1. Integration of Aristotle's Ideas:

    • Thomas Aquinas, a 13th-century scholastic philosopher, sought to reconcile Christian theology with classical philosophy, particularly that of Aristotle. Aristotle's works were rediscovered in the medieval period, and Aquinas, recognizing the value of Aristotle's thought, attempted to harmonize it with Christian doctrine.
  2. Scholastic Synthesis:

    • Aquinas is often associated with the Scholastic tradition, which sought to reconcile faith and reason. In his major work, "Summa Theologica," Aquinas incorporated elements of Aristotelian metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics into his systematic exploration of Christian theology.
  3. Natural Law:

    • One area where Aquinas heavily drew on Aristotle's ideas was in the formulation of natural law. Aristotle's concept of "natural justice" influenced Aquinas's understanding of a moral order inherent in the natural world, accessible to human reason. Aquinas argued that human laws should align with this natural law to be just.
  4. Teleological Ethics:

    • Aristotle's teleological ethics, which focused on the concept of the "good" as the ultimate goal of human life, influenced Aquinas's moral philosophy. Aquinas incorporated this teleological perspective into his discussions on the moral virtues and the ultimate end (telos) of human existence.
  5. Political Thought:

    • While Aquinas is not primarily known as a political philosopher, his ethical and metaphysical ideas had implications for political thought. His emphasis on natural law and the idea that human beings are social by nature contributed to medieval political thinking and discussions on the role of the state.
  6. Hierarchy of Laws:

    • Aquinas distinguished between divine law, natural law, and human law. Divine law is revealed by God, natural law is accessible to reason and inherent in human nature, and human law is derived from natural law but enacted by human authorities. This hierarchy reflects Aquinas's attempt to integrate religious principles with Aristotelian ethics.
  7. Just Governance:

    • Aquinas believed in the necessity of just governance to maintain social order and promote the common good. While his political thought is not as elaborate as some later philosophers, his ideas influenced discussions on political authority and the moral basis of political power.

In summary, Thomas Aquinas can be seen as an Aristotelian in the sense that he integrated Aristotelian philosophy into the medieval Christian intellectual tradition. Aquinas's synthesis of faith and reason, his reliance on natural law, and his ethical framework were profoundly influenced by the works of Aristotle, making him a key figure in the medieval reception of Aristotelian thought.

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