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in Business Studies by (50.9k points)
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Explain the meaning of joint Hindu family business.

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by (48.3k points)
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A Joint Hindu Family Business (JHFB) is a traditional form of business organization prevalent in India, primarily among Hindu families. It is governed by the Hindu Succession Act, 1956. 

Family Structure : A Joint Hindu Family consists of members who are all lineal descendants of a common ancestor, typically the eldest male member (known as the "karta"). Members may include the karta, his sons, grandsons, and their wives and children.

Business Ownership : In a Joint Hindu Family Business, the family members collectively own and manage the business. The business assets are considered to be the joint property of the family, rather than belonging to individual members.

Continuity : One of the significant features of a Joint Hindu Family Business is its continuity across generations. The business passes from one generation to the next through the process of succession, with the eldest male member typically assuming the role of the karta.

Limited Liability : Members of a Joint Hindu Family Business have limited liability. This means that the liability of each member is limited to the extent of his or her share in the business's assets. Personal assets of individual members are not typically at risk in case of business debts or obligations.

Control : The karta or the head of the family usually has significant control and decision-making authority in the business. However, other members may also have roles and responsibilities based on their skills, expertise, and involvement in the business operations.

Taxation : Joint Hindu Family Businesses are subject to specific tax considerations under Indian tax laws. They are taxed as a separate entity, and income is assessed in the hands of the business entity rather than individual members.

Succession Planning : Succession planning is crucial in Joint Hindu Family Businesses to ensure a smooth transition of leadership and ownership from one generation to the next. The process typically involves the nomination of a new karta and the division of assets among family members.

A Joint Hindu Family Business represents a unique form of business organization characterized by family ownership, continuity, limited liability, and specific cultural and legal considerations rooted in Hindu tradition and Indian law.

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