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in Information Technology by (119k points)
What is AWS Cloud Auto Scaling?

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1 Answer

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by (119k points)

AWS Cloud Auto Scaling is an AWS service that automatically adjusts the number of resources in your AWS infrastructure to match changes in demand. It encompasses both EC2 Auto Scaling and other auto-scaling capabilities for various AWS services beyond EC2 instances.

Here's an overview of AWS Cloud Auto Scaling:

  1. EC2 Auto Scaling:

    • EC2 Auto Scaling is a component of AWS Cloud Auto Scaling that automatically adjusts the number of EC2 instances in an Auto Scaling group to maintain application availability and meet performance targets.
    • It helps ensure that the desired number of EC2 instances are running to handle changes in demand, whether it's scaling out to accommodate increased traffic or scaling in to reduce costs during periods of low demand.
  2. Other Auto-Scaling Capabilities:

    • Beyond EC2 instances, AWS Cloud Auto Scaling provides auto-scaling capabilities for various AWS services, such as Amazon ECS (Elastic Container Service), Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service), Amazon DynamoDB, and more.
    • These services offer native auto-scaling features that automatically adjust resources such as containers, database instances, or throughput capacity to match changes in workload demand.
  3. Scaling Policies and Configuration:

    • AWS Cloud Auto Scaling allows you to define scaling policies and configurations to specify how resources should scale based on metrics such as CPU utilization, request rates, or custom CloudWatch metrics.
    • You can configure scaling policies to scale resources reactively in response to changes in workload demand or proactively based on predefined schedules.
  4. Integration with Elastic Load Balancing (ELB):

    • AWS Cloud Auto Scaling integrates seamlessly with Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) to distribute incoming traffic across multiple instances or containers.
    • When auto-scaling events occur, new instances or containers are automatically registered with the associated load balancer to ensure that traffic is evenly distributed and that the application remains available and responsive.
  5. Health Monitoring and Replacement:

    • AWS Cloud Auto Scaling continuously monitors the health of resources through health checks.
    • If a resource fails a health check, AWS Cloud Auto Scaling may terminate the unhealthy resource and launch a replacement to maintain the desired capacity and availability.

Overall, AWS Cloud Auto Scaling provides a unified and automated approach to scaling your AWS infrastructure across various services, helping you optimize resource utilization, maintain high availability, and manage costs effectively. It simplifies the process of managing auto-scaling configurations and ensures that your applications can handle fluctuations in demand efficiently.

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