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What do you mean by food myths? Explain any five food myths prevailing in contemporary society.

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by (64.8k points)
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Food myths are things which are repeated sometimes so much that we are inclined to believe they are true, e.g., high protein diets cause ketosis which reduces hunger.

(1.) Drinking while eating makes you fat: The actual fact behind this misconception is that enzymes and their digestive juices will be diluted by drinking water while eating. It will slow down your digestion which may lead to excess body fat. In contrary, there is a scientific fact that drinking water while eating improves digestion. 

(2.) Fat-free products will help you to Lose weight: If you take at free labeled products they can lead to weight gain. In fact, these foods have more calories. Approximately, these products have same number of calories (may be slightly less) in comparison to other regular food. 

(3.) Starve yourself if you want to lose weight: Eating a good diet is more important than not to eat when you are on a weight loss programme. Include such food items in your diet which suppress appetite and increase metabolism so that your don’t eat too much. So, there is no need to starve yourself if you want to lose weight.

(4.) Exercise makes you to eat more: Exercises burn calories which may increase your hunger. Research studies conducted in this area have not shown that the individual who do exercise, consume more calories than those who don’t exercise. So there is no truth in this statement. 

(5.) Eggs increase cholesterol levels so avoid them: There is no doubt that eggs are good source of health. An egg provides you various nutrients such as protein, vitamin A, B, D, Zinc, Iron, Calcium and Phosphorus etc. It is as per daily requirement of cholesterol by our bodies. So, if you take one egg daily there is no problem of cholesterol level.

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