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in The Golden Chapter of Indian History by (67.5k points)

Briefly introduce the main rulers of Gupta dynasty.

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by (66.6k points)
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Gupta period was the golden period of the history of ancient India. It was an era of peace and system. Economic life, science and technology, arts, all flourished in Gupta period. The main rulers of Gupta dynasty can be introduced as follows : Sri Gupta – He ruled from 240 CE to 280 CE. He has been described as the founding ruler of the Gupta dynasty. He assumed the title of Maharaja. He was not an independent, sovereign ruler but possibly a feudal lord under some rule.

Ghatotkacha – He ruled from 280 CE to 319 CE. He assumed the title of Maharaja. His kingdom was limited to regions around Magadha.

Chandragupta 1 – He ruled from 319 CE to 335 CE. He was a valiant ruler and married the then famous Lichchvi kingdom’s famous princess Kumar Devi. He assumed the title of Maharajadhiraja. He founded the Samvat era by the name of Gupta Samvať (319–320 CE.).

Samudragupta – He ascended to the throne in 335 CE and ruled till 375 CE. His court poet Harisena has described Samudragupta’s victorious campaigns in ‘Prayag Prashasti? insrcriptions. He performed the Ashwamedha yajna to proclaim his conquests.

The Prayag pillar which is located in Allahabad (Uttar Pradesh) is an important historical source of the Gupta period. In the Prayag Prashasti, Samudragupta has been described as ‘Kaviraj’. He established a new era in India. He united all of India in the thread of political unity.

Chandragupta II – Among all the kings of the Gupta dynasty, he is considered to be the greatest one due to his supreme valour and brave qualities. He ruled from375 to 414 CE. Chinese traveller Fa – hien travelled India during his reign.

His court boasted of scholars like Kalidas and Amar Singh. He extended the Gupta empire upto the Arabian sea and conquered the Saurashtra peninsula. He made Ujjain his second capital.

Kumargupta I – He ruled from 415 CE to 455 CE. He issued a large number of coins. About 623 coins of Kumargupta were found in Bayana – Moradabad region. HeiunTsang called him ‘Shakraditya’. Possibly Kumargupta was the founder of Nalanda university.

Skandagupta – He ruled from 455 CE to 467 CE. He had to face the aggression of the Hunas named ‘Malechcha’ as soon as he ascended the throne. He gave the responsibility of renovating the Sudarshan lake of Girnar mountain to governor Pranadutta’s son Chakrapalit.

Mention of Huna invasions and their defeat at the hands of Skandagupta is found in Skandagupta’s inner pillar inscription of Chandragupta Pariprachcha’ etc. inscriptions and other literary sources. Skandagupta protected the Gupta empire from the terrible threat of external enemies, Pushyamitras and Huna invasions by defeating them.

He repelled the attacks of Vakatakas and Naga rulers and conquered their territories. His judicious rule, his brave battles, his love for his country made him one the greatest Gupta rulers.

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