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in Agriculture by (42.9k points)
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Describing the organic agriculture in India, differentiate between organic and chemical agriculture.

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In India, agriculture started with organic farming. So, organic manure (compost, green manure, cow urine, vermicompost, decomposition of vegetable remains) are traditional inputs which are used in agriculture known as organic agriculture. Due to being environment friendly, it is also called natural agriculture.

In India, this farming is being done on 7.23 lakh hectare area. The states – Maharashtra, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Jharkhand, Bihar, Rajasthan etc. are coming forward to adopt organic agriculture.

Sikkim is the first state of the country exclusively doing organic agriculture. This was declared on January, 18, 2016 in Gangtok in ‘Durable agriculture conference’. Here organic agriculture was started in 2003. Here, use of chemical fertilizers is banned with environment security point of view.

Difference between Organic and Chemical Agriculture: On the basis of nature, production method, harmony with nature, 

following differences are seen between organic and chemical agriculture:

Organic Agriculture Chemical Agriculture
1. Agriculture done by organic manure and with traditional methods is called organic agriculture. 1. Agriculture done by chemical fertilizers and pesticides is called chemical agriculture.
2. Organic manure is prepared from compost, Cow urine, Neem Cake, plants leaves, and remains of animals. 2. In chemical manures, phosphate, nitrogen, ammonia, are used which cause negative effect on land.
3. Manure used is prepared from bio – materials. 3. Chemical manures and pesticides are us
4. No negative effect is seen on bio-diversity.  4. Negative effect is seen on bio-diversity.
5. This agriculture, while keeping harmony with nature, can increase agricultural production. 5. In chemical agriculture without thinking about profit/loss to the environment, agricultural production can be increased.
6. Organic manure is prepared at home and farm. 6. It is prepared at industrial centers.
7. Organic manure helps in increasing soil fertility. 7. it spoils fertility of soil.
8. Food grains produced by organic manure have favourable effects on man. 8. Its effects are unfavourable on the health man and animals.
9. By organic farming, both fertility of land and production increase slowly. 9. By this farming, fertility of the land remains for short term. And later on, the fertility diminis
10. In organic agriculture, water is needed. 10. In chemical agriculture, more water is needed.
11. Organic agriculture has no adverse effect on underground water. 11. Chemicals used in this agriculture have adverse effect on underground water.
12. The products obtained from organic agriculture are beneficial for health and their demand is more. 12. The products obtained from this agriculture are less beneficial for health and the probability of diseases increases. .
13. Organic agriculture is nature based. Most of the required inputs are obtained from nature and human labour. 13. This is fully based on market. Seeds, manure, medicines, tools, techniques all are obtained from the market.
14. Organic agriculture is human labour – based agriculture. 14. This is technique – based agriculture.
15. Per hectare production is less but quality is good. 15. Per hectare production is more but qualinferior.

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