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in Physical World and Measurement by (34.7k points)
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What are the rules for rounding off the numbers? Explain each rule with suitable examples.

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by (50.5k points)
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Rounding Off the Digits
Rounding off a number is done to obtain its value with a definite number of significant figures.

For this following are the rules:

  1. If the digit to drop is less than 5, then the preceding digit is not changed.
    For e.g., 1.24 is rounded off to 1.2.
  2. If the digit to drop is greater than 5. than the preceding digit is raised by 1.
    For e.g., 19.48 is rounded off to 19.5.
  3. If the digit to drop is 5 and the preceding digit is even, then it is not changed.
    For e.g., 1.25 is rounded off to 1.2.
  4. If the digit to drop is 5 and the preceding digit is odd, then it is increased by 1.
    For e.g., 3.35 is rounded off to 3.4.

Example: Let’s round off 92.810576 to:

(a) 1 significant figure 9 is the first non-zero digit, that means the first significant figure. In 92.810576 the second figure is 2 which is less than 5 so we round down the number to 90
(b) 3 significant figures In 92.810576, 928 are the first three digits, the next figure is 1 which is less than 5, so we round down given number to 3 sig. fig. = 92.8.
(c) 6 significant figures In 92.810576, the first six significant numbers are 92.8105. The zeros between the figures are significant. The next figure 7 which is more than 5, so we round up number as = 92.8106

Example: Let’s round off 0.0046753 to:

(a) 1 significant figure figures in their correct places. In the above number the figure to the right of 4, is 6 which is more than 5, so we round up the number. When we round off 0.0046753 to 1   sig figures is = 0.005
(b) 2 significant figures When we round off 0.0046753 to 2 significant figure is 0.0047.
(c) 4 significant figures In the above number, 5 is the 4th significant figure. The figure to the right of 5 is 3 which is less than 5, so we round down the number. When we round off this number

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