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in Forms of Government: Unitary and Federal, Parliamentary and Presidential by (51.5k points)
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Describe main merits of parliamentary government.

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by (48.9k points)
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Main merits of parliamentary government: 

The following are the main merits of parliamentary government.

1. Responsible government towards legislature and people:

Parliamentary form of government is the only such government, wherein the executive is squarely answerable to the legislature.

2. Mutual cooperation between legislature and executive: 

The main quality of this type form of government is that there is no conflict of any type between legislature and executive; because executive is formed from parliament itself and it is answerable towards it only.

3. Discourages autocracy of governance:

In parliamentary form of government, government can never go autocratic. In and outside the parliament, opposition parties always keep a watch on the – works of the government and they keep control on the cabinet by way of bringing in adjournment motion, censure motion and cut – motion, etc.

4. Importance of opposition parties: 

In parliamentary government, there is a great importance of opposition parties. On one side, opposition keeps the government cautious and alert by criticizing the policies and shortcomings of the government, and simultaneously, it keeps itself in ready mode to take on the responsibility of governance in case of the collapse of the incumbent government.

5. Governance of efficient and experienced persons:

Parliamentary form of government is a governance of capable and experienced persons. Only laborious, honest and most popular persons do reach the podium of governance. In parliamentary system, only such a person can reach on high administrative post, who is popular and has received sufficient political training.

6. Change possible in accordance with time and necessity:

One main quality of parliamentary form of government is its flexibility and changeability in accordance with the time and necessity. According to Bezhot, a prominent political thinker, “In emergency circumstances, government can choose such a ruler, who can provide effective leadership at venerable time.” For example – During the second World War, Churchill was made Prime Minister in place of Chamberlain in England. In India, after V. P Singh submitted his resignation, the formation of government under Chandrasekhar is an example of this sort.

7. Head of State (President) in the form of impartial adviser:

In this form of government,head of state (King or President) is a symbol of unity of the nation and he provides stability to national life. Once he is chosen President of the state, he will not have any relation with any political party, that is to say, that his affiliation with all political parties ends. If he has been elected on the basis of a party, then too, it is expected of him to work in impartial and neutral way, above any party politics, in national interest.

8. Political awareness and education:

In this form of government, people get suitable opportunity for obtaining political education. By the works of government and role of opposition parties, the people keep getting knowledge and education about the system of governance continuously.

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