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in Unity in Diversity of India by (45.0k points)
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How does unity appear in diversity in India? 


Why is India called a country of unity in diversity? 


An important characteristic of India is unity in diversity. How? Explain.

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by (51.6k points)
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India is a country of various cultures, races, languages and religions. It is a land of unity in diversity, where people of different lifestyles and manners live together. These people belong to different religions, beliefs, and faiths. In spite of all these diversities, they live together with the bond of humanity and brotherhood. Unity in diversity is the distinct feature of India, which makes it famous all around the world.

Generally, people in India follow the great ancient culture of being tolerant and living with solidarity which makes them assimilating in nature. Unity in diversity visible in almost all the aspects of the society has become a source of strength and power to the entire country. People of all religions worship in different ways by following their own rituals and beliefs, which represents the existence of underlying uniformity. Unity in diversity promotes the spirit of harmony and brotherhood among people beyond their consideration of various diversities.

India is famous for its rich cultural heritage which is because of the presence of people from various religions. People belonging to various cultures give rise to the various lifestyles on the basis of their interests and beliefs. This again gives rise to the growth of various professional spheres, like music, fine arts, drama, dance, theater, sculpture, etc.

Spiritual traditions of the people bring them closer to each other. Various religious Indian scriptures are a great source of spiritual inspiration to the people. There are Rishis, Maharishis, Yogis, Priests, purohits etc. in almost all the Religions, following their own spiritual traditions according to their religious scriptures. Hindi is the mother tongue of India.

However, many other dialects and languages are also spoken by people of different religions, and languages such as English, Urdu, Sanskrit, Bhojpuri, Bihari, Punjabi, Marathi, Bengali, Oriya, Gujarati, Kashmiri etc. are spoken. However, we feel proud to be the citizens of great India.

Unity in diversity of India is a unique characteristic for which it is well – known all over the world. This also attracts tourism in India significantly. As Indians, we all should realize our responsibilities and try to retain its unique features at any cost. Unity in diversity present here is the real wealth of India and the path to progress in the present and the future.

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