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in World History by (45.0k points)
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Why did Industrial Revolution start in England?

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by (51.6k points)
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England was the first country where modern industrialization was felt first. In England, such conditions were exis ted compared to other European nations.

Which made occurrence of industrial revolution first in England.

1. England’s vast colonial empire: England received raw material and new markets from its 18th century colonial empire, while other European nations hadn’t colonies. 

2. Mines of coal and iron were in close proximity: Close proximity of iron and coal in England facilitated manufacturing of wrought iron, for making machines wrought iron was needed. 

3. Production according to consumption: The trade export of France was of high quality luxurious goods, such goods are consumed in limits, while trade of England was of those goods which were required in large quantity. England believed that if means are found to make them more cheap then their market could be increased more hence England was ready to adopt those methods by which production of such goods could be increased. 

4. Availability of half skilled Artisans: French Revolution and wars of Napoleon both helped a lot and contributed in the development of industrial revolution of England. During war days England needed to improve his methods of production to supply the needs of soldiers of England and other friend nations. 

5. Availability of Capital: Compared to other nations of Europe England had more capital to establish industries. The immediate circumstances were favourable to collect capital and for its use in 18th century the Industrialists of England got facility to get loan and deposition of capital. 

6. Favourable Geographical conditions of England: Being surrounded by the sea coast England was safe from external attacks and could do its industrial development. 

7. Agriculture Revolution: Held in England also encouraged industrial development. 

8. Encouragement to scientific inventions: England compared to other European nations kept her scientists away from religious and political interfere and encouragement to scientific institutions which resulted into more scientific inventions in England.

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