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in Small Industries, Handicrafts, Khadi and Rural Industries by (55.8k points)
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Explain the development of small and cottage industries in Rajasthan during plans period.

2 Answers

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by (48.8k points)
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The following facts will explain the development of small and cottage industries in Rajasthan during the five year plans: 

1. Increase in expenditure on the development of cottage and small industries as stated below:

Plan Expenditure in crores
First Rs. 0.32
Second Rs. 3.25
Third Rs. 1.98
Fourth Rs. 0.88
Fifth Rs. 3.95
Sixth Rs. 23.02
Seventh Rs. 28.04
Eighth Rs. 70.97
Ninth Rs. 47.06 .

2. Progressive Increase in the number of small industries:

Period No. of Industries in Rajasthan
1955-1956 2,750
1969-1970 8,216
1980-1981 44,756
1993-1994 66 lakhs
2005-2006 75 lakhs

3. Progressive increase in the production of small industries 

4. Increase in capital investment 

5. Increase in Employment – Total employment in the registered factories increased from 1.66 lakhs in 1981 to 10.55 lakhs in 2005-06. 

6. Fast development of Khadi and Gramoudyog 

7. Establishment of many institutions for the development of small industries in Rajasthan, such as – 

1. Small industries institution which prepares projects and gives training and technical assistance to the industrialists 

2. 34 district industrial centres and 7 sub-district industrial centres which are divided into four classes.

+1 vote
by (284 points)
1.These industries hires the local people of that particular place to work in their industries.

2.This helps in the increased rate of the working employees in Rajasthan.
3.These industries usually produces oil from seeds, ornaments, shoes, carpets, textiles, handicrafts and many more which will get the 8 percent of the total income of its state.
4.It was also providing employment to the local people which helps in feeding of the people of fourty thousand families.

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