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JEE MAIN 2025 Foundation Course
NEET 2025 Foundation Course
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in Geography by (41.9k points)
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Study the extract of the Survey of India Map sheet No. 45D/7 and answer the following questions:

(a) Give the six figure grid reference of: 

(i) Triangulated height 307 

(ii) The spot height 196 

(b) Give the four figure grid reference of each of the following: 

(i) The confluence of the Sipu River and the Mahadeviyo Nala. 

(ii) Sheet rock.

(c) Measure the shortest distance in kilometres between the temple in grid square 8192, and the perennial lined well at Bhakodar 8188.

(d) What do the following represent ? 

(i) Black curved lines in 7788. 

(ii) The blue line in the bed of the Sipu River.

(e) (i) What is the general pattern of settlements in the region shown on the map ? 

(ii) Give a reason for your answer.

(f) Which is the chief form of irrigation shown in the map extract ? Why is it necessary ?

(g) (i) What is the main form of transport in this region ? 

(ii) Give the map evidence for your answer.

(h) (i) What is the compass direction of Dantiwada, 8582, from Bhadli Kotha, 7886 ? 

(ii) What is the general direction of flow of the Arado, N ?

(i) (i) Name the type of drainage pattern found in grid square 8584. 

(ii) What do you mean by 25r in grid square 8286 ? 

(j) (i) What is meant by ‘R. F.’ ? 

(ii) What is the R.F. shown on this map extract ?

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by (48.7k points)
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(a) (i) 858843 (ii) 834916 

(b) (i) 8189 (ii) 8088 

(c) Scale of the map 2 cm = 1 km Shortest Distance 8 cm = 8/2 = 4 km. 

(d) (i) Broken ground 

(ii) Water channel 

(e) (i) The general pattern of settlements is scattered or dispersed. 

(ii) Large farms are there, but availability of water is less due to which this region has sparse population which is scattered all over in search of water. 

(f) The chief form of irrigation is perennial wells. It is necessary because this area gets seasonal rainfall which is not enough for cultivation. Wells are the only source which provide water throughout the year in this region. 

(g) (i) The main form of transport in this region is ‘Cart’. 

(ii) There are many cart tracks marked on the map extract. 

(h) (i) The compass direction of Dantiwada is South East from BhadliKotha. 

(ii) Arado. N flows from North East to South West. 

(i) (i) The drainage pattern is ‘Radial’. 

(ii) The relative depth of the well is 25 metre. 

(j) (i) R.F. means Representative Fraction. In this method the scale is represented as the ratio of the length of a line on the map and the corresponding actual distance on earth’s surface.

(ii) R.F. show on the map extract is 1: 50,000

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