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in Prose - The Last Lesson by (49.1k points)
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Justify the title ‘The Last Lesson’.

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by (49.7k points)
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The title The Last Lesson’ is noteworthy and conveys the principal theme of the story. The story has an appropriate and suggestive title. It highlights the fact that sometimes even the most precious things in our lives are taken for granted by us. The people of Alsace never give much thought or importance to their mother tongue, French. They least expect such a situation in their motherland. Parents prefer their children to go to the farm and bring an extra income rather than learn French.

They hardly encourage regular attendance in school. They think there will be plenty of time to leam the language in their life but it’s a sudden bolt from the blue when the order is announced. The order from Berlin to ban French and make German compulsory had to be accepted without any rejection. This ruthless order from Prussians makes them realise various things in life. The beginning of the story serves as preparation for it. The unusual quietness at school, presence of village elders and the teacher in his best Sunday dress—all point out to the unusual and unique occasion-the last lesson in French in a French village conquered by the Prussians. While delivering the last lesson, the teacher wants to transmit all his knowledge in one stretch. H explains everything with patience and the students as well as old villagers listen attentively.

As the teacher is unable to express his emotions because of choked throat, he ends the lesson by writing ‘Vive La France’ on the blackboard. He makes a gesture with his hand to indicate that the school is dismissed and students can go home. This was the last class of French. Hamel was the last teacher of the last French class. Perhaps this was the last attentive class too. Thus, the title The Last Lesson’ reveals the theme of the story and is fully justified.

‘Do it with passion The last may be sudden.’

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