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JEE MAIN 2025 Foundation Course
NEET 2025 Foundation Course
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in Poem - The Comet by (54.5k points)
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Imagine you are interviewing an astronaut about his/her experiences in space. Select a partner to be an astronaut and present the interview as a role-play in front of the class.

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by (52.2k points)
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Interviewer: How does it feel to be the first Indian to have accomplished this feat? 

Astronaut: I feel unfortunate for the scientific community. I feel that my flight was before its time since our country’s space programme was not mature enough at that point to launch a space shuttle.

Interviewer: What was the reaction of your parents at this news?

Astronaut: It is indeed a moment of pride to represent the country, however they too knew the dangers behind it. Hence it was mixed verifications.

Interviewer: Is it different to travel in a space shuttle and an aeroplane? 

Astronaut: There is immense difference. The environment of space cannot be duplicated on the earth. Hence training isn’t practical when it comes to the gravitational force. It’s tough to manage but you know you have no other go and your focus is on the achievement.

Interviewer: What are the qualities that you would credit your success to?

Astronaut: When you are in Rome be a Roman is the most important quality you need. Be bold, be optimistic and realize that you are the chosen one to create opportunities and make history. 

Interviewer: How did your parents influence your personality and your choice of career? 

Astronaut: They never forced me into a career of their choice. They allowed me to go after my passion and stood by my side to explore the unknown world.

Interviewer: Thank you so much for taking time off your busy schedule

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