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JEE MAIN 2025 Foundation Course
NEET 2025 Foundation Course
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in Aptitude by (106k points)
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Which is NOT a scoring indicator for a project?
1. Expressions
2. Data collection
3. Reporting
4. Presentation

1 Answer

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by (106k points)
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Correct Answer - Option 1 : Expressions

There are many factors that influence the decision of a good or bad project. The criteria can be many points on the basis of which these decisions are taken. Such criteria are known as indicators of a project. Some of these indicators are:

1. Objective- The first judging criteria is whether the project attained the objective for which the project is prepared. If the project achieves or at least attempts to achieve them.

2. Data Collection- Data collection tools refer to the ways in which data is collected and stored. Relevant and important data is extremely important and mandatory for accurate analysis and understanding. It is one of the key scoring indicators of a project.

3. Scientific Method employed- The methods employed in the working of the project are important for proper evaluation. This is an introductory step in the project work and is considered a scoring indicator

4. Creativity- For any project creativity is the most important factor in judging a project. The way a student presents his idea into the work is the ultimate way of understanding a student's thought processing and creativity. It is thus an important scoring indicator of a project.

6. Accuracy of conclusions- Analysis and execution in a project is essentially a way to understand the efficiency of a project. All the data collected has to be interpreted in an expressive manner so as conclude the way a project is presented. 

7. The quality of written and visual presentations- Presentations are the last and most expressive part of a project. The quality of a project can be judged by how well the project has been presented to the judges. Hence, it is an important scoring indicator.

Hence, the correct answer is Option 1.

2. Creative AbilityCreative 

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