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NEET 2025 Foundation Course
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Children often learn the habit of telling lies when the discipline is :
1. Authoritative
2. Permissive
3. Democratic
4. Submissive

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Correct Answer - Option 1 : Authoritative

Some kind of discipline is needed for the child to feel secure in any environment. Hence, she/he should be told his/her boundaries of acceptable and unacceptable behavior. The caregiver needs to provide constant supervision and ensure that the child while exploring, does not hurt the child or others around him/her. 

 Authoritarian discipline: When this kind of discipline is enforced, the child is directed what to do and what not to do and no explanations are offered. Also, the child is expected to show complete obedience. 

  • Children do not feel happy in this type of environment. They have no freedom to do things they would like to do.
  • If children are checked too often; they do things quietly and behind the back of the caregiver. They also learn to tell lies.
  • If children are all the time told what to do and what not to do, they become dependent. They always look for instructions and never grow up. 

  • There are three basic forms of discipline that can be enforced. These disciplines are Authoritarian, Permissive, and Democratic.
  • Permissive discipline: This is exactly the opposite of the authoritarian kind of discipline. The child is allowed to do whatever she/he pleases to do. There are no rules and no guidance.
  • This type of behavior will make them self-centered and selfish. Without any guidance, children can also go astray or pick up wrong habits. 
  • Democratic discipline: This discipline gives importance to childrens' needs and interests. Children would learn to obey and respect rules, develop confidence in themselves, learn to take initiative and work independently. Children also learn to take their turns, cooperate and have patience.

Thus, it is concluded that children often learn the habit of telling lies when the discipline is Authoritative.

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