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JEE MAIN 2025 Foundation Course
NEET 2025 Foundation Course
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Which of the following is the incorrect pair? 

1. Trial and Error Theory of Learning - Thorndike
2. Field Theory of Learning - Hull
3. Classical Conditioning Theory - Pavlov
4. Cognitive Learning Theory - Piaget

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Correct Answer - Option 2 : Field Theory of Learning - Hull

Hull’s reinforcement theory

  • According to Hull, the need would produce behavior, and the particular behavior that reduces the need would be gradually learned.
  • Hull’s theory of learning holds that the association between S-R is not enough for learning.
  • He thought that some kind of reward or reinforcement is necessary to establish the stimulus as a signal.
  • His theory of learning is called as Reinforcement Theory of Learning.
  • Hull used specific formulas to predict the likelihood of specific behavior.
  • He specified that the probability that a particular stimulus would lead to a particular response (the “excitation potential”).

He stated his theory in the form of sixteen postulates or general rules. Some of them are:

  • The law of habit formation
  • The reaction potential

The most important contribution of Hull is that he described learning in quantitative terms. He succeeded in measuring the latency of response. The latency of response means the length of the interval between a signal and the response.

  • Thorndike propounded 'Trial and Error Theory' which represents that learning is the result of associations forming between stimulus and responses.
  • "Mistakes teach individual" statement is based on 'Trial and Error Theory'.
  • Ivan Pavlov, a Russian psychologist has propounded the 'Theory of; Classical Conditioning' which emphasizes that learning as a habit formation is based on the principle of association and substitution.
  • Cognitive Learning Theory: This theory was introduced by Jean Piaget. It focuses on the internal mental process. This theory emphasizes that learning is a process of thinking i.e. cognition for meaning-making. 

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