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in Computer by (114k points)
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A small text file created by a website that is stored in the user’s computer temporarily for that session is called _____.
1. malware
2. bug
3. cookie
4. cache

1 Answer

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by (115k points)
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Correct Answer - Option 3 : cookie

The correct answer is cookie.

  • A cookie is a small text file (up to 4 KB) created by a website that is stored in the user's computer temporarily for only that session or permanently in storage.
    • Cookies provide a way for the website to recognize you and track your preferences.
    • Cookies are typically used to "maintain the state" of the browser session. For example, users can place items in a shopping cart, switch to another page or another site, and when they return, the site recognizes them and the current state of the cart.
    • Cookies consist of a series of URLs (addresses) for which they are valid. When the web browser or other HTTP application again sends a request to the webserver containing those URLs, it sends it along with the associated cookies.
    • For example, if your user ID and password are stored in a cookie, this saves you from typing the same information over and over again the next time you access that service.
    • Cookies allow the website to customize the pages and create a custom experience for each individual.

  • Malware
    • Malware is malicious software intended to cause damage to a computer or network.
    • Types of malware include viruses, worms, spyware, and ransomware.
    • Malware can find its way onto computers when a user clicks a link or email attachment that installs malicious software.
  • Bug
    • A bug computer definition is referred to as a failure or a flaw in the software program.
    • A Bug produces an incorrect or undesired result that deviates from the expected result or behaviour.
    • When you add two numbers using this app and if it shows you a wrong total, then we can say this app has a bug.
  • Cache
    • The cache is the temporary memory officially termed "CPU cache memory".
    • "Cache" is also used to refer to any temporary collection of data, either in hardware or software.

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