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in General by (58.4k points)

Elucidate any five physical and physiological benefits of exercise on children.

1 Answer

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by (64.8k points)
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1. Exercise controls weight: Regular exercise helps in controlling weight. In fact weight gain occurs when the child takes more calories than the requirement of his body. The unused or excess calories are accumulated as fats in his body. In this way, he starts gaining weight which ultimately leads him towards overweight and obesity. 

2. Exercise strengthens bones: Exercise builds strong bones. As a matter of fact, exercise increases bone density which helps in preventing osteoporosis. If regular exercise is not performed, the bones usually lose their density, become weak, fragile and porous. Hence, exercise is beneficial because it helps in strengthening the bones. 

3. Exercise strengthens the lungs: Exercise is beneficial for children because it enhances the lungs’ capacity and their efficiency in inhalation and exhalation. It increases the size of lungs. Tidal air capacity and vital air capacity are increased. 

4. Exercise helps in motor development: Exercise helps in motor development of infants and children at a faster rate which ultimately helps in making fine movements in later life. By performing exercise in early age the movements of muscles become efficient and smooth. It can also be said that their movements become more attractive. Exercise helps in digestive process: During childhood, the growth and development takes place at a faster rate, so for proper growth and development digestive process should be efficient. Research studies indicate that exercise is beneficial for improving the digestive process. 

5. Exercise helps in digestive process: During childhood, the growth and development takes place at a faster rate, so for proper growth and development digestive process should be efficient. Research studies indicate that exercise is beneficial for improving the digestive process.

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