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in Scope of the State by (51.2k points)
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Describe in detail the functions of a modem state.

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Functions of a modern state: 

For the functions of states, definite rules cannot be formed. The range of functions of a state keeps on changing in accordance with time, circumstances, line of thought and necessities. The functions of a state are dependent on the development of economic resources, awareness of people and political awareness. 

The functions of a modern state can be classified into two parts: 

(1) Compulsory functions. 

(2) Optional functions.

1. Compulsory functions: 

Compulsory functions imply those functions, which ought to be performed necessarily by the government. That is, if these functions are not per formed, the very existence of a state may fall in danger. 

The following are the compulsory functions of a state:

  • Security of the country from foreign attacks. 
  • Maintenance of internal peace and order. 
  • Formation of crime and punishment-related rules, and management and system of delivery of justice. 
  • Formation of laws, because by laws alone, can a state transform its sovereignty into a factual form. 
  • To collect revenue.

2. Optional functions: 

Optional functions imply those functions which are not mandatory for the existence of the state, or the liberty and security of an individual. These keep on changing in accordance with country, time and circumstances. These functions are known by the name of public welfare functions. 

The following are the optional functions of a state :

(1) Education system: 

General public should be provided education and political awareness in a good state. Therefore, it is the duty of a state that a proper system is made to educate its people. 

(2) Cleanliness and public health: 

For the remedy from diseases, a state should open hospitals. It should also check the purity of eatables in the light of ensuring good health of its people. 

(3) Control on business and industry: 

A state should have appropriate control on business and industries, so that there is well – being of businessmen and progress of the country. While formulating industryrelated rules, the state should ensure that there is no injustice done towards the workers. 

(4) Operation of industries of public interest: 

A state should operate large – scale ‘ industries and business houses of public importance in social interest. 

(5) Social reforms: 

It is the duty of a state that all its people make all – round development, by eliminating social evils. It is also the duty of a state to provide proper security and treatment to the handicapped, blind, the deaf, the mentally disabled, etc. 

(6) Management of public transport: 

Arrangement of public transport is also the duty of a state. The arrangement of roads, train, bus, maritime and air modes of travel should be made by the state because civilization and culture develop only by means of transportation. 

(7) Facility of entertainment: 

The state should make arrangement of parks, TV, center, cinema halls and reading rooms, etc. for the entertainment of its citizens.

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