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in Climate of India by (45.0k points)
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Explain the factors that affect the climate of India. 


Indian climate is a gift of the control of several factors. How? Elucidate.

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by (51.6k points)
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Indian climate is affected by many factors, the major among them are: 

1. Height from the sea level. 

2. Distance from the sea. 

3. Distance from the equator. 

4. Location of mountains. 

5. Direction of mountains. 

6. Direction of winds. 

7. High level air transmission.

1. Height from the sea level: The temperature decreases along with increase in height from sea level. This is why the temperature on respective height is always less than that of sea level.

2. Distance from the sea: Indian climate receives humid and even effects from the sea. As the distance increases from the sea, the range of temperature and aridity increases. The climate on the coastal areas is always humid.

3. Distance from the equator: Along with the increasing latitude of the equator, the temperature decreases. The amount of insolation is affected by the increasing distance. The temperature changes with the slanting rays of the sun.

4. Location of mountains: The location of mountains always controls the amount of rainfall and the atmospheric conditions. If the location of mountains is in the direction of winds, it causes enough rainfall. If it is not, then dry climate is experienced.

5. Direction of mountains: The blocking or parallel position of the mountains to the 1 wind direction plays an important role in deciding and controlling the climate of a zone. The parallel position restricts the rainfall and so promotes dry and hot climate, while the blocking position promotes the rainfall and hence makes the climate full of humidity.

6. High level air transmission: The high level air transmission in the troposphere also affects the climate at large. Besides all these factors, there are some secondary factors also, like the density of clouds in the sky, amount of vegetation and oceanic currents affect the climate of related area.

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