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JEE MAIN 2025 Foundation Course
NEET 2025 Foundation Course
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in Commerce by (49.9k points)
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(a) Give any two methods used for On-the-Job training. 

(b) Explain ‘Indirect Cost’. 

(c) Why is gratuity given by an employer to an employee? 

(d) What is Trademart? 

(e) Give two examples of efficient and eco-friendly technology.

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by (48.9k points)
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(a) Two methods of On-the job training are: 

1. Coaching: Under this method the employee is trained on-the-job by his immediate superior. 

2. Job Rotation: Under this method the employee is moved from one job to another at planned period of time. This exposure at different levels, makes the employee multi dimensional. 

(b) Indirect Cost: It refers to those expenses which are not directly absorbed or chargeable in the process of production, e.g., rent of a factory building. 

(c) Gratuity is a time based benefit given to an employee when he leaves his employment after having worked under a specific employer for certain number of years. It is a voluntary payment made by an employer to his employees as a loyalty bonus who retires or leaves the service after a long period of time with a dedicated service record. It grants security to the employees against the risk of old age. 

(d) Trade Mark: When a Brand name, mark or a symbol is legally registered it becomes a trade mark. Trade mark gives sellers exclusive rights to use the brand name or mark. 

(e) Two examples of efficient and eco-friendly technology: 

1. Energy efficient technology is a form of eco-friendly technology because with increasing amount of coal or oil being used, not only will exhaust them but also increases the rate of green house gases. This is one main reason for adopting fuel efficient technology in almost all sectors of industry, which results in saving the natural resources for a longer time, providing alternate choice other than them. 

2. Recycling is reusing substances or products. It is an efficient and environment friendly measures to conserve raw materials and nature, e.g., paper industry which turns waste paper into new paper products.

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